Helps plants reach their full potential which increases crop yield by 20% or better
Energizes minerals/nutrients into a suspension
Increases bioavailability of soil nutrients
Prevents scale build-up around plant roots
Removes scale and prevents scale build-up in pipes, pumps, valves and tanks
Reduces plant's energy expenditure in acquiring water and nutrients, more energy available for:
Growth, vitality and maintenance
Production of hormones, vitamins, sugars, starches, and proteins
Increases nutrients and available energy of harvested fruits and vegetables, increases size
Increases shelf stability of harvested produce
Reduces usage of organic or chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, nutrients and water by 20% or more
Neutralizes chemicals in the soil
Increases soil's biological activity in first season
Increases beneficial bacteria
Proliferates earthworms, hatched from dormant eggs that would not hatch in hardened dead soil (eggs can last 200,000 years)
Returns soil to coffee grounds like structure
Helps minerals to percolate deeper into the soil so roots grow deeper
Removes scale and prevents scale build-up in pipes, pumps, valves and tanks
To the left is an independent test, done by Dr. John Lightner, on three watermelon fields. The first two rows on the chart at the bottom of the page are with an E.S.P. and without an E.S.P. with "no" nitrogen. the next two rows are with E.S.P. and without E.S.P. with 30 lbs. of nitrogen per acre. Then the bottom two rows are with E.S.P. and without E.S.P with 60 lbs. of nitrogen, which is what Texas A&M University recommended for the fields. ow look at column 7 where the yield is given. This is why we say we can tell a customer that they can save on fertilizer cost.